Pride | Humility |
Pride is the main sin, because it entails all the rest. Pride is defined as an excessive belief in one's capabilities, which comes into conflict with the greatness of God - for the sinner, blinded by his pride, is proud of his capabilities, forgetting who he received them from. It is the sin of Pride that led Lucifer to the throw into the hell, where he became Satan. "Proud thought is the beginning and end of all the evil.",- Nil Sorsky. Pride is usually understood as arrogance, haughtiness, man's habitude to put himself above all others and only recognize his rightness. It means blind self-adoration, self-glorification, and excessive self-love, characterized by absurdly great self and unmeasured self-esteem. Another constituent element of pride is hostility towards other people and urge to humiliate them, what the sinner pays off for: "Many a punishment there are for a proud man, but the main and most hard is that people don't like him, whatever his merits are and what pains he takes.", - l. Tolstoy. Pride closes man from life, makes him a slave of "principles and beliefs”. To overcome pride means learning to command your life. Man who is not burdened by pride can himself choose what to think and how to feel in this or that life situation. He is open to the world around him and to his inner desires, too. Meaning not some short-term fads, but real desires, vital needs; in order to satisfy them he is now ready to experience hardships. |
Humility means inner self-restraint, ability to clip one's will. Humility is the absence of arrogance and pride, this is the heart quality, which shows in gentleness, patience and prudence. But humility is not cringing or timidity. Humility is recognizing that all our talents and skills are gifts given by God. This is not a sign of weakness, timidity or fear; it is an indication that we know what our main strength is in. Actually, it is pride that reflects weakness, whereas manifestation of humility often requires courage and strength. Humility means peace in one's soul. It is peace with God and people, harmony, and transformation of human energy, aimed not at proud self-affirmation, but at serving and saving one's fellowman. "Do not imagine that real humility is being greasy and smarmy, purposeful stressing that one is “nobody”. If you meet a really humble man, you will probably think that he seemed a cheerful, intelligent chap who took a real interest in what you said to him. If you do dislike him it will be because you feel a little envious of anyone who seems to enjoy life so easily... If anyone would like to acquire humility, I can, I think, tell him the first step. The first step is to realise that one is proud. This step will be the most significant. At least, nothing whatever can be done before it. If you think you are not conceited, it means you are very conceited indeed.", - C. S. Lewis. |