Gluttony | Temperance |
Gluttony, literally, means absence of moderation and greed in eating, driving the man to the state of an animal. Here, the question not only touches upon eating, but also the uncontrolled desire for consuming more than one needs. Eating is certainly necessary for existing, but it should not become reason to live, thereby replacing the care about the soul for the body worries. Jesus said, '”Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?” It is very important to understand because in the modern culture gluttony is more often determined as an ailment, from a medical point of view, than a kind of immorality. Therefore, struggling with the sin of gluttony implies not so much the conscious suppression of appetite as the reflection on its role in life. Gluttony makes the soul suffer because what a sensualist enjoys is not a true blessing. As belly-slaves appreciate sensual pleasures most of all, their belly, according to the Apostles, is their idol and their God. Thus, gluttony is actually a kind of idolatry, which violates the commandment “You must not make for yourself an idol.” Delighting in the food taste dulls the taste for the spiritual side of life, develops lust and desire for new sensations. In the soul, the feeling of dissatisfaction settles, and the man begins to wait and look for something more “special” not only in food: it does not take much to move over to other passions. |
Temperance is often identified with fasting, but this is not absolutely correct. Fasting is part of temperance, but the whole concept is not only about eating - it is a general revitalization principle of life: "There is moderation for the tongue: not to talk much and vain, but speak clearly and not gossip … There is moderation for the eyes: not to look at the indecent ... There is moderation for the temper: to manage the anger and not burst into flames unexpectedly ... There is abstinence from the fame: to possess one's spirit and not dream of praising ... There is moderation in thoughts: not to lean on tempting thoughts ... There is moderation in food: to control oneself and not seek for abundant food or expensive delicacies, only eat in time.”, - St. E. Sirin For the modern man, this virtue is especially important; a lot of people lack it and then, torment themselves and their nearest and dearest. The whole education is, frankly speaking, teaching minimum temperance skills - when a child is told to abandon his "I want" for the benefit of "I must". But, unfortunately, nowadays it becomes ever less manageable. Temperance makes the man free from base passions, strong-willed and determined. It teaches one to overcome oneself, be die-hard, and not fear difficulties when having harsh situations in life. |